Paradoxal ??? La Commission poursuit 9 Etats membres... pas forcément ceux auxquels on s'attend.
Communiqué de la commission :
“Brussels, 16 October 2003
Rail infrastructure package: Commission refers 9 Member States to the Court of Justice
The Commission is bringing today 9 Member States in front of the Court of Justice for failing to notify the Commission of any transposition of the rail infrastructure package opening the market for international rail freight services. The transposition of this set of three directives into the national legal framework should enable more efficient and on-time cross-border operations needed by rail to compete with road. The Commission will fully play its role in ensuring a European level playing field.
The 9 countries failing to notify the Commission of their legal transposition of the European legislation are: Austria, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The railway infrastructure ...
Affichage des articles du octobre 17, 2003