Communiqué du Ministère fédéral des transports d'Allemagne Freight Transport and Logistics Masterplan adopted by the cabinet Tiefensee: Preventing total gridlock and strengthening Germany as a centre for logistics 16 July 2008, No.: 198/2008 Today, the Federal Cabinet adopted the "Freight Transport and Logistics Masterplan" submitted by the Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, Wolfgang Tiefensee. The Masterplan sets out a comprehensive approach for managing the growing levels of freight and passenger traffic in Germany. It contains 35 concrete and calculated measures. Mr Tiefensee said: "If we don't intervene today, we will soon have total gridlock. If traffic comes to a halt, the economy will also collapse. We will secure and strengthen Germany as a centre for logistics, with its workforce of 2.6 million, by optimizing traffic and making it more efficient, by upgrading the transport arteries and hubs, and by making greater use of the envir...