
Affichage des articles du janvier 12, 2005

DFDS Transport acquires Elix/IDS

DFDS Transport acquires Elix/IDS _________________________________ DFDS Transport Group has announced the acquisition of the activities of Elix/IDS from J Rudolph & Söhne GmbH Internationale Spedition. The takeover will take effect as at February 1st, 2005. However, completion of the acquisition is subject to approval by the local authorities. (1/11/2005) The acquired activities have a turnover of approximately €21 million, 88 staff members and are situated in Baunatal near Kassel. Elix/IDS is already a co-operative partner to DFDS Transport Group A/S on the Scandinavian as well as the UK and Irish markets. The acquisition is a strategically well-positioned business for DFDS, both internationally and nationally, and in compliance with DFDS Transport's strategy. After the merger, DFDS Transport Group GmbH (Germany) will have turnover of approximately €175-180 million and around 900 staff members. voir le site de DSV : ___________

Espagne : Economía/Transportes.- Fomento somete su Plan de Infraestructuras a debate entre las CC.AA. en la sectorial del jueves.

Visítalo en: Economía/Transportes.- Fomento somete su Plan de Infraestructuras a debate entre las CC.AA. en la sectorial del jueves. _______________________________ MADRID, 11 (EUROPA PRESS) 11 de enero de 2005, 17:32 La ministra de Fomento, Magdalena Alvarez, someterá a debate entre las comunidades autónomas su Plan Estratégico de Infraestructuras de Transporte (PEIT) en la conferencia sectorial convocada para el el jueves día 13, informaron hoy a Europa Press en fuentes de este Departamento. La presentación del plan en conferencia sectorial constituye el primer paso del gran debate público al que Fomento pretende someter el PEIT tras su aprobación en Consejo de Ministros el pasado 23 de diciembre. El plan de infraestructuras de Fomento contempla la inversión de un cuarto de billón de euros (214.392 millones) principalmente en ferrocarriles y carreteras durante los próximos quince años. El ferrocarril será el modo de tran