
Affichage des articles du février 19, 2004
France : ratification des conventions OIT - gens de Mer _____________________ Loi n° 2004-146 du 16 février 2004 autorisant la ratification des conventions de l'Organisation internationale du travail concernant les gens de mer _____________________________________________________________________________________ EXEL AND FUJITSU ANNOUNCE AGREEMENT IN PRINCIPLE FOR EXEL TO ACQUIRE FUJITSU LOGISTICS LTD 16 February 2004 Source : _______________________ (London, UK – 16 February, 2004) Exel, the UK-based, world leader in supply chain management and Fujitsu Limited, a leading provider of customer-focused IT and communications solutions for the global marketplace, have today announced that they have agreed, in principle, for Exel to acquire Fujitsu's wholly owned subsidiary company, Fujitsu Logistics Ltd (FJL). FJL provides a range of logistics services to Fujitsu c...