
Affichage des articles du juillet 17, 2006

17th Annual State of Logistics Report finds that rising prices and interest rates will soon push logistics costs above 10 percent of GDP.

From the pages of Logistics Management Costs under pressure 17th Annual State of Logistics Report finds that rising prices and interest rates will soon push logistics costs above 10 percent of GDP. By James A. Cooke, Contributing Editor -- 7/1/2006 ___________________________________________________ Pressure on logistics costs has been building for awhile, and the results are evident: After declining for most of the last seven years, logistics costs as a percentage of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP) are pushing upward. For the past 17 years, the State of Logistics Report has given logistics and supply chain professionals insight into the economic forces that affect logistics costs. This year's report, written by economist Rosalyn A. Wilson under the auspices of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), places logistics expenditures at 9.5 percent of GDP. That's a sharp departure from the three previous years, when those costs ranged between 8.6...