Le projet de Central Railway (un ligne fret entre Lille et Liverpool) a été rejeté par le Ministre des transports.
Ce projet est en ligne en français à l’adresse : http://www.central-railway.co.uk/pdfs/resumeduprojet0303.pdf
•La FTA apprécie peu cette décision (http://www.fta.co.uk/news/pressreleases/archive/20040329FTAhas.htm)
Comuniqué officiel :
News Release 2004/0031:
25 March 2004
Transport Minister Kim Howells today announced that the Government has decided not to support Central Railway’s proposal for a Parliamentary Bill for a dedicated freight line that would link the Channel Tunnel with the North West of England.
The Bill would have sought powers to build a £10 billion freight line that would have run from the Channel Tunnel to Liverpool, routed south of London and via Sheffield.
The main reason for the decision is that Central Railway has not demonstrated to the Government...
Affichage des articles du mars 31, 2004
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