
Affichage des articles associés au libellé TDG

Selon "Commercial Motors" Douglasbay capital prend le contrôle de Stobart

Lire sur Commercial motor Selon la publication anglaise, Douglas Bay , qui avait un moment porté TDG , avant son acquisition par Norbert Dentressangle, vient de prendre 51 % du transporteur Eddie Stobart.  L'opération est présentée comme un moyen pour le groupe d'accéder à une nouvelle phase de développement.  Site de Stobart L'article sur mon blog relatif à ND et Douglas Bay

Norbert Dentressangle : feu vert de la la commission pour le rachat de TDG

Concentrations: la Commission Européenne donne son feu vert pour l'acquisition de TDG par Norbert Dentressangle Communiqué : "La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu du règlement de l'UE sur les concentrations, le projet d'acquisition de Laxey Logistics, la société holding du fournisseur de services logistiques TDG (Royaume-Uni), par l'entreprise de logistique et de transport Norbert Dentressangle (France). Après avoir examiné les marchés de la logistique contractuelle, des services d'expédition et du fret routier, elle est parvenue à la conclusion que l'opération envisagée ne réduirait pas de manière significative la concurrence effective dans l’Espace économique européen (EEE) ou une partie substantielle de celui-ci."

Norbert Dentressangle s'offre TDG

Norbert Dentressangle acquiert TDG Communiqué de l'entreprise : Signature d’un protocole d’acquisition de la société de transport et de logistique TDG : Norbert Dentressangle se renforce dans ses 3 métiers et accélère sa stratégie d’internationalisation. * Norbert Dentressangle annonce aujourd’hui avoir signé avec le fonds DouglasBay Capital Plc un protocole d’acquisition de 100% des actions de la société Laxey Logistics Ltd, holding qui détient la société de transport et de logistique TDG. * Sous réserve de l’accord des autorités européennes de régulation de la concurrence, cette acquisition permettra de bâtir un nouvel ensemble réalisant un chiffre d’affaires annualisé estimé de 3,6 Md€, avec des positions renforcées en transport (1,95 Md€) et en logistique (1,6 Md€) et l’atteinte d’un seuil critique dans le métier stratégique du freight forwarding (100 M€). * L’opération, dont la clôture est envisagée mi- janvier 2011, sera relutive en BNpA dès la première année. L’opér...

TDG repris par Bidco

Communiqué : October - Laxey Partners announced the completion of UK-headquartered TDG Plc by Bidco, incorporated in the Isle of Man, was formed at the direction of private equity company Laxey Partners Ltd. TDG had been the target of speculation about its future for some time before Laxey Partners moved in, with other 3PLs (third party logistics providers) showing interest. A previous planned merger with UK-based Christian Salvesen did not materialise. Then, earlier this year, another UK-based European logistics provider, Wincanton, approached the board of TDG with a cash offer of £2.81 (€3.55) per share but subsequently pulled out, saying the bid was not in the best interests of its shareholders. Laxey Partners was already a 22% shareholder of TDG. The latter announced that effective October 2, trading of TDG shares on the London Stock Exchange would be halted. The company also explained that TDG shareholders would receive either £2.50 (€3.16) in cash for each Scheme Share or £2.00 ...

TDG pourrait être repris par un hedge fund

TDG pourrait être repris par un hedge fund Les opérations de l'été... Selon LAXEY PARTNERS MAKES FORMAL BID FOR TDG 8 Jul 2008 Laxey Partners has submitted a bid for TDG which values the company at £203 million. The offer is for 250 pence per share or alternatively 200 pence per share plus 6.625 Bidco shares per TDG share. Laxey Partners had initially submitted an informal bid for TDG in February, when it offered to pay 275 pence per share. The new offer is therefore 25 pence per share lower, yet still 14% higher than the closing price per share on 26 June. The offer has received TDG backing and shareholders will vote on the deal at the General Meeting on 3 September 2008. If approved, the deal will become effective on 1 October 2008. Laxey Partners revendique la qualité de "Hedge fund"... ___________

Wincanton voudrait TDG

Wincanton fait une offre sur TDG ________________________________ Communiqué de Wincanton "Statement by Wincanton regarding a Possible Offer for TDG plc ('TDG') 09 May 2008 Not for release, publication or distribution, in whole or in part, in or into Australia, Canada, the United States of America or Japan or any jurisdiction where to do so would constitute a violation of the relevant laws of such jurisdiction. Further to TDG's announcement today, Wincanton confirms that it approached the Board of TDG on 14 April with an indicative cash offer for TDG at a value of 281.25 pence per ordinary share (equivalent to 290 pence per ordinary share less the dividend of 8.75 pence per share proposed on 27 February and payable on 23 May 2008 which shareholders are entitled to retain). Wincanton reconfirmed this indicative cash offer today. The Board of Wincanton believes that the indicative offer is attractive to TDG's shareholders, being 15 pence per share higher than the ind...


07 marzo 2007 @ 11:27:38 CET "La compagnia logistica britannica acquista l'intero capitale della Doman per 21 milioni di sterline, rafforzando il suo network logistico nel chimico. La società britannica ha acquisto una delle più importanti imprese spagnole specializzata nella distribuzione di prodotti chimici confezionati, che nel 2006 ha registrato un fatturato di quasi 69 milioni di euro. L'acquisizione è costata 21 milioni di sterline, pari a quasi 31 milioni di euro, e comprende anche Ferrer Logistica, che appartiene interamente a Doman. La nuova società sorta dall'operazione si chiama TDG Doman e continuerà ad essere diretta dal suo precedente proprietario, Fernando Sanchez Doman. La società spagnola opera nel trasporto ADR nazionale ed internazionale, offrendo ai clienti anche spazi per lo stoccaggio. Ha 179 dipendenti ed è presente a Barcelona, Tarragona, Madrid, Bilbao, Irún, Logroño, Castellón e Valencia. TDG occupa 7000 persone ed opera da cinquant'anni n...