Joint Venture Deutsche Post World Net et New Zealand Post pour la création de Express Couriers Australia Pty __________________________________________ Communiqué de New-Zealand Post : New Express Couriers Joint Venture in Australia 30 June 2008 New Zealand Post announced today that it has formed Express Couriers Australia Pty Limited (ECA), a 50:50 joint venture with Deutsche Post World Net (DPWN), for the ownership and operation of express courier businesses in Australia. Effective 1 July 2008, the arrangement builds on the success since 2005 of a similar joint venture in New Zealand between DPWN's express unit DHL Express, and New Zealand Post. The New Zealand Post-DHL Express structure in Australia encompasses six complementary businesses in metropolitan and regional markets in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. The businesses include Couriers Please, Parcel Overnight Direct and Northern Kope Parcel Express, three businesses under New ...