
Affichage des articles du mai 11, 2009

TNT pourrait reprendre 30 % de GLS

TNT intéressé par GLS ------------------ Ca repart.. les opérations de concentration dans l'express reprendraient avec la reprise de GLS pat TNT. Ainsi, selon le "Daily Telegraph" il s'agirait de vendre 30 % du capital de l'expressite à TNT ... Article du Daily Telegraph : "TNT's desire to gain control of General Logistics Systems (GLS), which is headquartered in Amsterdam, was contained in an outline plan submitted to the Government in recent weeks, according to people familiar with the Dutch company's bid. Insiders said this weekend that ministers were unhappy with the valuation attached to Royal Mail in TNT's proposal and warned that the board of Royal Mail would not willingly surrender control of GLS, the European parcels operation that is viewed by the company as critical to its growth prospects. The impasse could threaten Government plans to secure a sizeable external investment in Royal Mail. TNT's proposed offer is understood to have ...