
Affichage des articles du avril, 2010

Iberia et BA fusionnent

British Airways and Iberia sign Merger Agreement. Madrid, 8 of April of 2010 Further to and in accordance with the notification of relevant fact dated November 12, 2009, Iberia, Líneas Aéreas de España, S.A. (“Iberia”) notifies that, on the date hereof, after the conditions established for the purpose have been fulfilled, it has entered with British Airways Plc (“British Airways”) into the final merger agreement for the combination of both companies. The merger agreement implements and specifies the terms of the merger transaction agreed, consistently in all significant aspects with the binding agreement (MoU) signed on November 12, 2009 and with the content of the notification made on said date.

Royaume Uni Road goods vehicles travelling to mainland Europe 2009 (includes Q4 2009)

Royaume Uni Statistiques Road goods vehicles travelling to mainland Europe 2009 (includes Q4 2009) ________________

Transport de fret par route en Italie : Statistiques publiques pour 2006 et 2007

Transport de fret par route en Italie : Statistiques publiques pour 2006 et 2007 _________________ Statistiche in breve Periodo di riferimento: Anni 2006-2007 Diffuso il: 02 aprile 2010 L’Istituto nazionale di statistica rende disponibili le statistiche sul trasporto di merci su strada relative agli anni 2006 e 2007. La produzione di tali statistiche risponde a finalità conoscitive del fenomeno tanto a livello nazionale che europeo; in particolare, il Regolamento n.1172/98 del Consiglio europeo che definisce il quadro armonizzato delle statistiche sul trasporto merci per la modalità stradale in ambito Ue. La rilevazione da cui sono tratte queste statistiche è stata oggetto di una profonda ristrutturazione, volta a migliorare la qualità e la completezza dei dati. In particolare si è adottato uno schema di rilevazione basato sui viaggi del veicolo, ottenendo in via derivata i percorsi della merce; ciò ha per...

ACI : Preliminary World Airport Traffic 2009 Communiqué de l'ACI Passenger traffic down by 2.7%; cargo down by 8.2 % Geneva, 17 March 2010 – ACI reports preliminary results of a 2.7 percent decline in global passenger traffic for 2009, reflecting steep declines in the first quarter in most regions but a return to growth activity by year-end. Total cargo volumes retracted by 8.2 percent, while aircraft movements were 5.5 percent below the 2008 level. The preliminary report is based on input from over 900 airports. ACI World Director General Angela Gittens comments, “We are pleased to see that the global results for 2009 were less depressed than originally anticipated, although the pattern was as we had forecast. We recognize the economic cautions ahead but early indications for January and February confirm continuing global traffic stabilization with reports of renewed domestic and international demand in many localities.” R...