
Affichage des articles du août, 2006

VFLI, une nouvelle entreprise ferroviaire

VFLI, une nouvelle entreprise ferroviaire Lu sur ----------------------------- "28 août 2006 à 19 heures 27 VFLI est le leader en France du marché de la traction ferroviaire sur sites industriels. Filiale à 100% de SNCF–Participations, elle a réalisé en 2005 un chiffre d’affaires de 62 M €. L’obtention de la licence d’Entreprise Ferroviaire est une décision qui offre à VFLI de nouvelles perspectives en lui permettant de satisfaire une demande de prestation intégrée de ses clients industriels qui recherchent un service de transport global et un interlocuteur unique. Le positionnement de VFLI comme opérateur ferroviaire de proximité fait partie de la stratégie du Groupe SNCF. Objectif : renforcer la capacité du Groupe SNCF à répondre au mieux à la demande de ses clients, dans le contexte d’ouverture à la concurrence du trafic fret ferroviaire. Rappelons que cette licence vient après celles accordées à EWSI, Véolia Transport (ex-Connex Cargo), Rail4Chem, SNC...

TNT vendra sa division logistique à Apollo Management

TNT vendra sa division logistique à Apollo Management TNT a annoncé ce mercredi la vente de sa division logistique, pour 1,48 milliard d'euros, à une société d'investissement américaine, Apollo Management. Communiqué de TNT : TNT reaches agreement to sell its logistics division to Apollo Management, L.P. - Following completion TNT will launch a share buy back program of up to ? 1 billion 23 August 2006 Amsterdam, TNT N.V. announces that it has today signed a Sale and Purchase Agreement to sell its logistics division to affiliates of Apollo Management, L.P., a leading private equity firm with offices in New York, London and Los Angeles. The intended sale is part of TNT?s Focus strategy in which the company announced on December 6th last year that it would focus on its core competency of managing delivery networks. The total transaction value is ? 1,480 million on a cash and debt free basis, of which ? 15 million will be received in the form of a 5% equity stake in th...

APL Logistics and Con-way Freight Launch “OceanGuaranteed” Service

APL Logistics and Con-way Freight Launch “OceanGuaranteed” Service ---------------------------------------------------------- Companies Create New Service Category Combining Premium Ocean Carriage With High-Performance LTL Transportation For Fast, Guaranteed Port-to-Door Delivery From China to the U.S. SINGAPORE AND SAN MATEO, CA – August 14, 2006 -- APL Logistics, the global supply chain management leader, and Con-way Freight (NYSE: CNW), which operates the most extensive regional less-than-truckload (LTL) freight transportation network in the United States, today announced the launch of “OceanGuaranteed (SM),” a new service providing secure, rapid delivery of less-than-container load (LCL) shipments from China to the U.S. OceanGuaranteed (SM) is an industry first and responds to increasing customer demand for a premium ocean LCL/domestic LTL service that offers faster transit times and day-definite delivery that is more cost-effective than air freight. The program will provide “port...

Aeroporti di Roma ha venduto Adr Handling a Fcc (E)

Aeroporti di Roma ha venduto Adr Handling a Fcc (E) Ammonta a 72,5 mln di euro il prezzo massimo complessivo Messaggio promozionale Aeroporti di Roma ha ceduto a Fcc, società spagnola che opera in Europa in numerosi settori industriali e di servizi, il 100% di Adr Handling. Secondo quando riporta Il Sole 24 Ore di questa mattina, il prezzo massimo complessivo ammonta a 72,5 milioni di euro con una plusvalenza massima per Adr di 42 milioni. In una nota la società che gestisce gli aeroporti romani sottolinea che l’operazione sarà perfezionata presunibilmente entro la fine del mese di ottobre, una volta ottenute dall’Antitrust le previste autorizzazioni. Grazie all’operazione ieri in Borsa Gemina ha registrato un guadagno del 3,17% a quota 2,6 euro. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Cabotage routier en Europe

Cabotage routier en Europe ----------------------- Cabotage routier en Europe : les statistiques d'Eurostat confirment notre analyse : notre pays est attractif pour les autres pavillons, et nos camions cabotent avec modération. Voir la synthèse : _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________