
Affichage des articles du janvier, 2007

Prodi, Poste-Ferrovie creino nuovo operatore logistica

Prodi, Poste-Ferrovie creino nuovo operatore logistica 24 gennaio 2007 alle 13:57 — Fonte: — 0 commenti “Ho chiesto a Ferrovie e Poste di lavorare insieme per realizzare un nuovo grande operatore della logistica”. Ad annunciarlo, intervenendo all’assemblea di Confetra, il presidente del Consiglio, Romano Prodi, che ha incentrato il suo discorso sulla necessità di potenziare il sistema logistico italiano, in particolare quello portuale: “È uno dei settori in cui ci giochiamo il nostro futuro”, ha avvertito il premier. Prodi ha spiegato che l’Italia, “Paese che è meglio piazzato geograficamente”, deve saper sfruttare questa opportunità. E allora, per prima cosa è necessario “integrare i tre grandi porti del sud, Gioia Tauro, Taranto e Cagliari e fare sistema” in modo da farli diventare “un unico grande polo” per raggiungere l’obiettivo “di spostare il traffico dalle strade alle autostrade del mare”. Dobbiamo pensare “ad un uso più razionale e strategico dei porti esistenti”...

Les géants étrangers du courrier express dominent le marché des envois de la Chine vers l'étranger

Les géants étrangers du courrier express dominent le marché des envois de la Chine vers l'étranger 2007-01-26 08:34:19 BEIJING, 25 janvier (XINHUA) -- En Chine, 80 % des services de courrier express en provenance et à destination de l'étranger sont fournis par quatre géants étrangers (les américains FedEx et UPS, l'allemand DHL et le hollandais TNT), selon un rapport de recherches. Le vice-président excécutif de la Fédération chinoise d'Achat et de Logistique Ding Junfa, directeur de recherches, a indiqué que les entreprises étrangères dominaient le marché extérieur du courrier express, du transport et de la logistique pour les manufacturiers étrangers et le secteur de la restauration. "Les entreprises chinoises du secteur auront du mal à s'imposer à court terme", estime-t-il. Le rapport, co-réalisé par la Commission nationale pour le Développement et la Réforme et le ministère du Commerce, indique que près de 98 % des clients de c...

DB extends co-operation with Kuehne+Nagel and Transwaggon

DB Logistics has extended its co-operation with Kuehne+Nagel, and Railion and Transwaggon are to extend their co-operative activities. (1/19/2007) Kuehne+Nagel and DB Logistics have reached agreement in terms of collaborating to strengthen the position of rail freight transport, especially with reference to single freight car transport. Ewald Kaiser, Kuehne+Nagel chief operating officer for Rail & Road Logistics, commented: “This agreement marks a strengthening and a further extension of a partnership that has always been good in the past. The aim is to transfer more goods from the road to rail, wherever doing so makes sense.” In other news, Railion and Transwaggon plan to co-operate more closely in freight car scheduling, especially in connection with single freight car transport. In their first joint project, Railion and Transwaggon are co-ordinating their freight car scheduling in international transport. The partners initial focus will be on Scandinavia. By avoiding empty runs ...

Dongfeng Motor Group, Nissan Motor and Volvo deepen discussions on possible future cooperation

Communiqué de Volvo ___________________ Dongfeng Motor Group, Nissan Motor and Volvo deepen discussions on possible future cooperation Dongfeng Motor Group Company Limited (DFG), Nissan Motor and AB Volvo is now deepening discussions on a possible AB Volvo investment in the heavy and medium-duty commercial vehicle business currently included in the Chinese joint venture between DFG and Nissan Motor – Dongfeng Motor Co, Ltd (DFL). “We will now initiate more in-depth discussions about our possible future cooperation,” stated Xu Ping, Board Chairman of DFG and Jorma Halonen, Executive Vice President and Deputy CEO of AB Volvo. Nissan Motor will focus on passenger cars and light commercial vehicles and has divested its holding in Nissan Diesel to AB Volvo. Subsequently, DFG, Nissan Motor and AB Volvo initiated discussions at the end of last year with the Chinese authorities on the future possible cooperation of the parties. DFG intends to establish more competitive alliances with Nissan an...

ABX : l'issue

Selon ABX : la fin d'une gabegie | 15 décembre 2005 ABX Logistics Worldwide, filiale à 100 % de la SNCB, devrait être bientôt cédée au fonds d'investissement britannique 3i, comme prévu. Si le prix de vente n'est pas encore connu, 3i (1.250 compagnies en portefeuille) fera sans doute une bonne affaire. Constitué sur base de l'ancien service colis des chemins de fer, ABX devient un groupe mondial de transport et de logistique sous l'effet d'une ambitieuse politique d'achat de sociétés menée entre 1998 et 2001 par l'ancien administrateur délégué, Etienne Schouppe. La démarche se révélera un gouffre financier : au total, elle aura coûté près de € 1,3 milliard à la SNCB et aux contribuables. En cause, des sociétés payées trop cher ou non rentables et une dette, alimentée de tous côtés, qui s'emballe. En 2002, le gouvernement arc-en-ciel s'empare de l'affaire : il remercie le CD&V Schouppe et dresse un plan de s...

China to begin building Beijing-Shanghai Express Railway this year

China to begin building Beijing-Shanghai Express Railway this year The Ministry of Railways (MOR) is to begin work on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail link this year, said the Minister of Railways on Wednesday. Construction will be completed in 2010, said Liu Zhijun at the annual national railway work conference. The railway has been approved by the State Council and construction will be launched soon, according to the MOR. The design of a train capable of driving multiple sleepers at 200 kilometers per hour -- and hitting maximum speeds of 300 kms per hour -- will be completed this year and the trains will go into production, according to the MOR. The MOR had planned to begin construction in 2006 and have high-speed trains running by 2010. A report by the China Business Times last week said that work on the railway appears to have been delayed because the original budget underestimated the cost of construction by more than 50 percent. Originally expected to require an investment ...

Selon : Logistica, nuovo acquisto di Deutsche Bahn ?

Selon Logistica, nuovo acquisto di Deutsche Bahn? "09 gennaio 2007 @ 15:46:22 CET Alcune indiscrezioni rivelano una trattativa per l'acquisizione della Schnellecke da parte delle Ferrovie tedesche. La società logistica smentisce, mentre DB non commenta. La fonte della rivelazione è l'autorevole edizione tedesca del Financial Time, che cita fonti anonime di entrambe le aziende coinvolte. Secondo il quotidiano finanziario, le trattative sarebbero ancora in una fase embrionale e quindi non è certo che vadano a buon fine. Comunque, ciò dimostra la volontà delle Ferrovie tedesche di crescere ulteriormente nel settore logistico, anche se la società sta vivendo una particolare fase a causa della prevista privatizzazione. Il dibattito su tale operazione coinvolge anche la divisione logistica e le parti sono divise sull'opzione di scorporarla o immettere sul mercato l'intero gruppo. I portavoce di Schnellecke hanno negato la volontà di vendere...

483e message - Réseau francophone de socio-économie des transports :

483e message - Réseau francophone de socio-économie des transports : Quelques sites Internet à signaler concernant la socio-économie des transports : 1- La direction de la recherche du ministère français des transports (SG/DRAST) Le site internet de la DRAST, "Recherche et Innovation", est ouvert. Il est accessible directement à l'adresse suivante : (rubrique Transports) ou depuis le portail du ministère des transports : (rubrique Transports) Vous y trouverez notamment, dans la rubrique publications, la banque de données documentaires de la DRAST, ISIDORE, qui permet d'accéder aux publications de la direction ainsi qu'aux rapports des recherches financées (notices bibliographiques et accès à la plupart des documents récents en texte intégral) 2- Le Plan urbanisme, construction, architecture (Puca), du ministère français des transports : 3- Le Centre de documentation du ministère français des transports (CDAT), notamment les dos...