DFDS Transport acquires Elix/IDS

DFDS Transport acquires Elix/IDS
DFDS Transport Group has announced the acquisition of the activities of Elix/IDS from J Rudolph & Söhne GmbH Internationale Spedition. The takeover will take effect as at February 1st, 2005. However, completion of the acquisition is subject to approval by the local authorities. (1/11/2005)

The acquired activities have a turnover of approximately €21 million, 88 staff members and are situated in Baunatal near Kassel. Elix/IDS is already a co-operative partner to DFDS Transport Group A/S on the Scandinavian as well as the UK and Irish markets.

The acquisition is a strategically well-positioned business for DFDS, both internationally and nationally, and in compliance with DFDS Transport's strategy.

After the merger, DFDS Transport Group GmbH (Germany) will have turnover of approximately €175-180 million and around 900 staff members.

voir le site de DSV : http://www.dsv.dk/DefaultUK.asp


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