Lufthansa Cargo and DHL Express launch cargo carrier

Lufthansa et la Deutsche Post créent une compagnie aérienne
Dépèche :
Berlin (AWP/AFX) - La compagnie aérienne allemande Lufthansa et la Deutsche Post ont annoncé jeudi la création, via leurs filiales spécialisées dans le fret et la logistique, d'une compagnie commune de transport express de marchandises qui opérera entre l'Europe et l'Asie.

Basée à Leipzig (Est), la nouvelle entité est une filiale à 50/50 de Lufthansa Cargo, branche fret de la première compagnie aérienne allemande Lufthansa, et de DHL Express, propriété du premier groupe postal européen spécialisée dans la logistique.

Le nom de la nouvelle compagnie n'a pas encore été défini mais elle devrait se classer d'emblée parmi les premières du transport intercontinental de fret au monde.

Dotée de onze Boeing 777-200LRF neufs acquis en leasing et livrables à partir de février 2009, elle doit commencer ses vols à l'été 2009 -sous réserve de l'obtention des autorisations nécessaires-, selon un communiqué commun de Lufthansa et la Deutsche Post.

«C'est un développement logique de notre joint ventures intercontinentale démarrée en 2004», a estimé Klaus Zumwinkel, le patron de la Deutsche Post, évoquant un rapprochement efficace du «savoir-faire de deux groupes de logistique parmi les plus professionnels du monde».

La compagnie desservira progressivement entre l'été 2009 et 2011 Singapour, Bangkok, Bombay, Shangai, Hongkong, Seoul, Nagoya mais aussi Almaty, Dubai, les East Midlands ou Milan, du lundi au vendredi, selon le communiqué. Le week-end, elle acheminera aussi du fret vers ou depuis New York et Chicago.

Thomas Papke, venu de Luftansa Cargo, et Thomas Putsch (DHL) se partageront la direction du groupe.

Le choix de Leipzig comme siège, une importante ville d'ex-RDA dotée d'un aéroport (Leipzig/Halle) en pleine expansion, constitue un nouveau coup dur pour Francfort, base de Lufthansa.

Le groupe Fedex avait opté fin août pour un déplacement de ses activités vers l'aéroport de Cologne/Bonn (Ouest).

DHL a déjà fait de l'aéroport de Leipzig sa plaque tournante pour l'Europe.

L'arrivée de la compagnie à Leipzig doit engendrer la création de plusieurs centaines d'emplois à l'aéroport de la ville.


(AWP/20 septembre 2007 11h58)

_____ Communiqué DB

Frankfurt/Bonn, 20 September 2007

Lufthansa Cargo and DHL Express launch cargo carrier

Flight operations with new aircraft of the Boeing 777 type to commence from Leipzig/Halle Airport in April 2009

Deutsche Post World Net and Deutsche Lufthansa AG are founding a joint cargo airline through their subsidiaries DHL Express and Lufthansa Cargo. The new company, based in Leipzig, in which DHL Express and Lufthansa Cargo each hold a 50 per-cent stake, will have the legal form of a private limited company (GmbH). It will focus on transporting airfreight and express shipments into and out of Asia. Flight operations are scheduled to begin in April 2009. With the launch of the new cargo airline, the two partners will further expand significantly their leading position in the airfreight, respectively, the express business.

Klaus Zumwinkel (left) and Wolfgang Mayrhuber.
Dr. Klaus Zumwinkel, Chairman Deutsche Post World Net and CEO said: "This is an ongoing development consistent with our intercontinental joint venture which we began in 2004. Deutsche Post World Net and Lufthansa, two of the world's most successful and professional logistics operators are pooling their know-how in a new joint company. DHL will notably accelerate for customers the exchange of goods between Asia and Europe through market-leading transit times. That will also substantially strengthen Germany's position as a logistics base and additionally spur the economic upturn in our Country."

Wolfgang Mayrhuber, Lufthansa Chairman and CEO: "With the new cargo carrier, Lufthansa and Deutsche Post World Net are building consistently on years of highly successful business relations. The new company will not only strengthen Germany as an economic base but will also create additional, highly qualified jobs in the Leipzig region. Not least, our customers will profit from further improvements in the route network."

The new cargo carrier will initially operate with eleven new Boeing 777-200LRF aircraft. The aircraft will be leased and are scheduled for delivery from February 2009. The cargo capacities of the new airline will be utilised by Lufthansa Cargo und DHL Express. The two partners will continue to take care of marketing and handling those capacities independently.

Pending the granting of traffic rights, the new airline will gradually expand its route network from the summer schedule 2009. On weekdays, it will be serving Singapore, Bangkok, Dubai, Bombay, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Seoul, Nagoya, Almaty, East Midlands and Milan. At weekends, it will fly to Shanghai, Astana, Singapore, Bangkok, Sharjah, Hong Kong, Chicago and New York.

Aside from pure airfreight traffic, the two companies will each alone be responsible for warehousing and trans-shipment at Leipzig/Halle Airport. DHL Express will handle its express shipments in the newly built cargo centre. Lufthansa Cargo will shortly be building its own modern logistics centre right nearby.

The cargo capacities of the new airline will be utilised by Lufthansa Cargo und DHL Express.
Carsten Spohr, Chairman Lufthansa Cargo AG: "Joint utilisation of aircraft capacities will enable us to harness growth opportunities cost-efficiently. DHL will be commercially responsible for operating the express network with additional cargo from Lufthansa Cargo on weekdays. Flight schedules at weekends will suit the customer requirements of Lufthansa Cargo with onload freight on those flights from DHL."

Charles Graham, Chief Executive Officer Aviation DHL Express, added: "With the new joint company, we will further improve express service between Europe and the Asia growth markets. We are thereby augmenting our global air network strategy. Our customers will profit from more capacities, better transit times and higher quality all-round."

Management of the new airline will be taken over by Dr. Thomas Papke, formerly Lufthansa Cargo, and Thomas Pusch, previously at DHL. The name of the new company and its branding will be decided at a later date.

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