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Explications du Ministère US :

The Revised Hours-Of-Service Regulations

Many things have changed in the motor carrier industry since 1939 when the original hours-of-service (HOS) regulations were prescribed for truck drivers. Our roads are better designed, constructed, and maintained in a nationwide network to provide greater mobility, accessibility, and safety for all highway users. Vehicles have been dramatically improved in terms of design, construction, safety, comfort, efficiency, emissions, technology, and ergonomics. These factors, combined with years of driver fatigue and sleep disorder research, have led to a revision of the HOS regulations for drivers, the most important component of trucks operating on the highway.

Reform of the HOS regulations has been under consideration by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) for several years. In 1995, Congress, concerned about the effect of fatigue as a contributing factor in commercial motor vehicle crashes, directed the FMCSA to begin a rulemaking to increase driver alertness and reduce fatigue-related incidents.

In response to the Congressional directive, FMCSA analyzed the scientific research, convened expert panels, held hearings and roundtable discussions, and reviewed over 53,000 individual comments submitted during the rulemaking process. In April 2003, FMCSA issued the first significant revision to the HOS regulations in over 60 years. The new regulations provide an increased opportunity for drivers to obtain necessary rest and restorative sleep, and at the same time reflect operational realities of motor carrier transportation.

In the months preceding the compliance date of January 4, 2004, the FMCSA is working with its partners and stakeholders to assure a smooth transition to the new regulations. The following information and education and training materials will help us implement these new regulations, for the continuing improvement of motor carrier safety.

Position de l?ATA : American Trucking Associations, the nation's largest trucking industry trade and safety organization, today announced its support for a new federal hours-of-service rule. The proposed regulation by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration would set new on-duty and rest time guidelines for commercial motor vehicle operators for the first time since 1939.

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