High-speed wagons to connect CONCOR?s ICD network to P&O Ports-operated terminals - MoUs signed to improve rail link to gateway ports

The Container Corporation of India (CONCOR) and P&O Ports Pvt. Ltd, have signed memoranda of understanding (MoUs) to improve the quality as well as frequency of rail connectivity between CONCOR?s ICD network and the P&O Ports-managed terminals namely Nhava Sheva International Container Terminal (NSICT) at Jawaharlal Nehru Port, the Chennai Container Terminal (CCT) at Chennai Port, and the Adani Container Terminals (ACT) at Mundra Port.

The MoUs also witness a first-time agreement between CONCOR and P&O Ports to guarantee fixed handling time for container trains at the ports, with a system of penalties and rewards to improve efficiency levels

These MoUs will lead to the introduction of rail services between locations such as CONCOR?s ICD at Tughlakabad and the P&O container terminals at Chennai and Mundra, as well as improvement of the existing rail services to NSICT.

CONCOR plans to introduce its latest high-speed BLCA wagons on the new sectors to achieve reliable and fast transit times.

The MoUs also witness a first-time agreement between CONCOR and P&O Ports to guarantee fixed handling time for container trains at the ports, with a system of penalties and rewards to improve efficiency levels.

Both the parties plan to strive for a greater synergy in their operations to provide improved customer services for container movements between the vast Indian hinterland and these gateway ports.

Mr A. K. Kohli, Managing Director of CONCOR, said, "These MoUs are representative of CONCOR?s continued commitment to providing quality rail connectivity and being India?s one-stop rail logistic solution."

Capt. Jimmy Sarbh, Director, P&O Ports Pvt. Ltd, said, "We are delighted with this announcement. It is in keeping with our vision of connecting India?s vast hinterland to its gateway ports by an efficient rail service and improving the quality of service to our customers by reducing container transit times. The quicker imports and exports reach their destinations, the better it is for Indian trade."

Source : Exim News Service - New Delhi/Mumbai, May 29

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