D’après http://www.eyefortransport.com/ : Problèmes pour DHL en Chine ??

" A clash between DHL and China's postal service over the German group's entry into the domestic express delivery market has highlighted the tensions between foreign companies and the Chinese government over regulation of the country's parcel delivery market, reports the Financial Times. (6/3/2004)

Last month, the DHL-Sinotrans partnership announced the launch of a domestic express delivery service, the first operated by a foreign company in China. But the State Postal Bureau, which runs China Post, said it had never approved such a service.

The Financial Times points out that the reaction underlines one of the peculiarities of China's parcel delivery industry – that the regulator is also a competitor in the market.

In a statement, DHL said: “DHL-Sinotrans has followed the necessary regulatory processes, and this business is in full compliance with the current regulatory and licensing requirements in China.”

The Financial Times quotes a DHL spokeswoman as saying that no one from China Post had contacted the company about the issue.

Last month, DHL announced plans to build a logistics centre in Shanghai. FedEx has signed an agreement that facilitates discussions with Chinese officials regarding building a hub in Guangzhou. Their operations must comply with local regulations, but these regulations are in flux.

Beijing began revising its postal law in 2002, and is already working on a sixth draft. Part of the new law will dictate which areas of business will be included in China Post's monopoly and which will be open to foreign competition. “

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