DFDS Transport acquires Eurosped in Slovenia

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DFDS Transport Group A/S and the owners of Eurosped have signed an agreement, according to which DFDS Transport Group A/S acquires 100% of Eurosped. (12/22/2004)

Eurosped offers transport and logistics solutions on the Slovenian market and has subsidiaries in both Croatia and Serbia. Eurosped is expected to generate turnover of around €22 million and EBITA of around €0.6 million in 2004. Today, Eurosped already cooperates with DFDS Transport as agent in Slovenia.

The purchase price equals an enterprise value of €6 million, of which €2 million is interest-bearing debt which is assumed by the company. The purchase price for the shares amounts to €4 million, and the company expects to book equity of approximately €2 million at the end of 2004.

Through this acquisition, DFDS Transport has secured a strategic position on the Balkan Peninsula. The company intends to integrate Eurosped into DFDS Transport's other road networks, to take advantage of the group’s growth potential in this area.
Voir le site de DSV : http://www.dsv.dk/DefaultUK.asp

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