Acquisitions aux USA... Supervalu et Exel

Selon les sites des firmes et eyefortransport Weekly Newsletter :
1.  Supervalu to acquire Total Logistics
Total Logistics has announced that the company is to acquired by Supervalu for an acquisition price of $28.50 per share in cash. The Total Logistics' board of directors has unanimously approved the offer and recommends shareholder acceptance. The transaction has a total value of approximately $233 million including assumption of debt and transaction expenses.
___ Information sur les deux firmes (source Supervalu)
About Total Logistics, Inc.

Total Logistics, Inc. is a Milwaukee-based public company operating through two wholly owned businesses, Total Logistic Control and Zero Zone. Additional corporate data can be found at .

Total Logistic Control (TLC), based in Zeeland, Michigan, is a national provider of integrated logistics services which include refrigerated and dry warehousing, transportation operations, supply chain management, dedicated third-party facility and operations management, food distribution, bottling and packaging and fulfillment services. TLC provides end-to-end supply chain services to a number of major U.S. food and consumer product companies. Operations are conducted through a national network of more than 30 logistic centers with 57.2 million cubic feet of refrigerated capacity and over 3.2 million square feet of dry warehouse space, making it the tenth-largest provider of refrigerated warehousing services in the United States. TLC operates a fleet of 435 tractors with 825 refrigerated and dry trailers with five maintenance facilities. TLC was recently cited by Inbound Logistics as a Top 10 Provider of Third Party Logistics Excellence for the seventh year in a row. More information about TLC is available at . Zero Zone, headquartered in North Prairie, Wisconsin, is a manufacturer of high quality refrigerated and freezer display cases used in grocery, convenience, dollar and drug store chains for retail merchandising of food, beverage and floral products as well as refrigeration houses and racks to power and control the refrigeration systems, electrical panels, and stand-by power for both retail and industrial applications. More information about Zero Zone is available at .


Celebrating its 135th year of fresh thinking, SUPERVALU INC., a Fortune 100 company, is one of the largest companies in the United States grocery channel. With annual revenues of approximately $20 billion, SUPERVALU holds leading market share positions across the U.S. with its more than 1,500 retail grocery locations, including licensed Save-A-Lot locations. With its Save-A- Lot format, the company holds the number one market position in the extreme value grocery retail sector. Through SUPERVALU's geographically diverse distribution network, the company provides distribution and related logistics support services to nearly 4,500 grocery retailers across the nation. In addition, SUPERVALU's third-party logistics business provides end-to-end supply chain management solutions that deliver value for manufacturers, consumer products retailers and food service customers. SUPERVALU currently has more than 55,000 employees. For more information about SUPERVALU visit .

2.  Exel exercises option to acquire Power Packaging
Exel has announced that it has exercised an option to acquire Power Packaging Inc, a contract manufacturer servicing key branded food and beverage companies in the US and Canada, from existing management.
Power Packaging provides high-quality manufacturing and supply chain services on an outsource basis to companies that are seeking to control internal human and capital equipment costs while maximizing their competitive advantage. Outsourcing these key functions, enables customers to focus energies and expertise on their respective core competencies such as Sales, Marketing and Product Development.

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