Selon : Stinnes Intermodal goes for growth

Selon : Stinnes Intermodal goes for growth
Stinnes Intermodal, the business unit for combined transport within Stinnes AG, has reported a 5.8% increase in the number of transported load units (swap bodies, containers and semi-trailers), and a 1.4% rise in tonnage carried by combined transport services. (1/20/2005)

Stinnes Intermodal’s growth rates would have been even more impressive but for the slump in rolling highway business last year on the Dresden – Lovosice (Czech Republic) and Manching (district of Pfaffenhofen) – Brennersee (Italian border) routes, which was a result of transport policy decisions.

“Our strategy of focusing on the major trans-European axes has paid off,” said Dr André Zeug, the member of Stinnes AG management board responsible for the Intermodal business unit. “We have also turned the increase in quality, particularly in the case of the Brenner services, into a noticeable increase in demand.”

There has also been a particularly positive performance in combined transport trains running to South East Europe and operating services for seaport hinterland traffic. International consignments account for almost two thirds of the traffic volume handled by Stinnes Intermodal today.

Stinnes Intermodal also came out a winner in a Europe-wide tender process issued by Hupac, and was able to secure routes that include Cologne – Milan, Rotterdam – Novara (Italy), Taulov (Denmark) – Gallerate (Italy) and Singen – Milan in time for the timetable changeover in December 2004. The contract was awarded for a total volume of some 130 trains per week.

The majority of these routes offer integrated services provided by Stinnes’ own partners and associated companies, which gives Stinnes continuous transport responsibility from start to destination.

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