Maersk boucle l'acquisition de Royal P&O Nedlloyd N.V.

Maersk boucle l'acquisition de Royal P&O Nedlloyd N.V. AP Moller-Mrsk completes acquisition of Royal P&O Nedlloyd
AP Moller-Mrsk has announced that the acquisition of Royal P&O Nedlloyd is being completed today (11 aout 2005).
On apprend fin aout : "AP Moller-Mrsk has secured a total of 99.67% of Royal P&O Nedlloyds share capital following expiration of the post-acceptance period on 23 August 2005. 26 August 2005
Communique de presse :
A. P. Moller - Maersk has secured 99.67 per cent of shares in Royal P&O Nedlloyd N.V.
A.P. Moller - Mrsk A/S has secured a total of 99.67% of Royal P&O Nedlloyd N.V.s share capital following expiration of the post-acceptance period on 23 August 2005.
With reference to the previous public announcements regarding the public offer by A.P. Moller - Mrsk A/S for all ordinary shares in the share capital of Royal P&O Nedlloyd N.V., A.P. Moller - Mrsk A/S announces that by the expiry of the post-acceptance period on 23 August 2005 at 15:00 hours (Amsterdam time), A.P. Moller - Mrsk A/S has secured a total of 99.67% of the shares.

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