
Affichage des articles du janvier, 2006

TNT vend Nicolas à Malherbe

Communiqué original sur le site de TNT : TNT and Malherbe conclude deal for the sale of the remaining activities of Logistiques Nicolas ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 27 January 2006 TNT and the French cargo transport operator Malherbe (CEO: Alain Samson) announced today that they have signed an agreement for the sale of the remaining activities of Logistiques Nicolas, part of the activities of TNT's French subsidiary TNT Logistics Holdings SAS. This transaction, together with the transactions announced on 1st December 2005 and 2nd January 2006, represent approximately 95% of the TNT Logistics France business unit. As previously disclosed, the expected negative financial impact relating to the sale and refocus of the French Logistics business unit is to be up to EURO 140 million pre-tax, and to be booked largely in 2005. Neither the French Express business unit of TNT nor its French Freight Management business are involve...

FedEx Express va racheter l’activité express du groupe de transport chinois DTW

Communiqué de FedEx : FedEx Express va racheter l’activité express du groupe de transport chinois DTW Un investissement stratégique qui dope les perspectives à long terme pour la Chine et FedEx _________________________________________________________________ Paris, le 25 janvier 2006 – FedEx Corporation (NYSE : FDX) a annoncé hier que sa filiale FedEx Express avait signé un accord avec Tianjin Datian W. Group Co., Ltd. (« DTW Group ») portant sur le rachat des 50 % que détient ce dernier dans le capital de la joint venture de transport express FedEx-DTW International Priority et le réseau express domestique de DTW en Chine, pour un montant de 400 millions de dollars US. FedEx et DTW Group avaient créé cette joint venture en 1999. Dans le cadre de cette transaction, les sociétés JPMorgan et PricewaterhouseCoopers ont agi en qualité de conseillers financiers exclusifs, respectivement auprès de FedEx et de DTW G...

Cosco choisit Naples comme hub

Cosco choisit Naples comme hub Selon Sabato 21 Gennaio 2006 Cosco sceglie Napoli come crocevia Euromed Napoli – I cinesi della Cosco, gigante mondiale nel settore del trasporto marittimo, scelgono Napoli come testa di ponte per le proprie attività nel Mediterraneo e verso il Nord Europa. Il presidente della holding orientale, Wei Jiafu, ha incontrato oggi a Pechino il governatore Antonio Bassolino, definendo con lui un rafforzamento della presenza della Cosco nel territorio partenopeo e annunciando la realizzazione, entro l'anno, di una nuova maxinave portacontainers della compagnia, battezzata "Cosco Napoli" proprio per rappresentare l'importanza dello scalo campano nelle strategie future della società. La novità più importante: Cosco - già presente nel porto di Napoli attraverso la controllata Conateco - è pronta a trasferire qui una parte massiccia dei propri traffici marittimi. Dal 15 febbraio lo scalo napoletano diventa un "hub...

Nouvelle fusion importante en vue F. Maas et DSV

Nouvelle fusion importante en vue F. Maas et DSV Voir : DSV and Frans Maas confirm intention to merge The combined businesses of Frans Maas and DSV will have annual revenues of approximately €4.1 billion, 19,000 employees and own operations in more than 50 countries. (1/6/2006) DSV’s proposed recommended cash offer of €38 per ordinary share of Frans Maas, including any dividend with respect to the financial year 2005, puts a value of €225 million on Frans Maas’ share capital. Based on the estimated 2005 year-end net interest bearing debt of approximately €208 million, the implied enterprise value of the offer amounts to €433 million. Frans Maas’ supervisory board and executive board Maas fully support the intended offer. A majority of the shareholders of Frans Maas representing 58.5% of the issued share capital have signed an irrevocable undertaking to tender their shares under the intended offer. For the full year 2005, Fra...

Finalisation de la cession de Delmas

Source : ___________________________ BOLLORE se désengage du transport maritime (AOF) - 15 ans après l'acquisition de Delmas Vieljeux, compagnie de transport maritime et terrestre, le groupe Bolloré, qui possède par ailleurs la SCAC et la SAGA, a décidé de céder sa partie activités maritimes au groupe CMA CGM, pour se concentrer sur ses activités de transport terrestre. Cette cession porte sur les navires et conteneurs en propriété ainsi que sur les fonds de commerce représentés par les lignes opérées par Delmas et ses filiales. L'opération vient d'être finalisée après obtention de l'accord des autorités européennes de la concurrence. Dans le cadre de cet accord, tous les navires du groupe CMA CGM et de Delmas vont désormais être opérés en manutention par le groupe Bolloré, dans le cadre d'un contrat long terme et sur une base exclusive, dans tous les ports du continent africain où le groupe Bolloré est implanté. Les actifs maritimes du gro...

Logistique US en 2004 - données du "Census Bureau"

Selon le Census Bureau : "Truck Transportation, Courier and Messengers, and Warehousing and Storage Revenues Hit $266 Billion Truck transportation, courier and messengers, and warehousing and storage revenues reached $266 billion in 2004, up from $246 billion the year before, the U.S. Census Bureau reported today. Truck transportation alone reached $186 billion in 2004, up 10.4 percent. Courier and messenger revenues grew 4.0 percent to $62 billion. The report, 2004 Service Annual Survey: Truck Transportation, Couriers and Messengers, and Warehousing and Storage, showed the following highlights for employer firms: General freight trucking contributed approximately two-thirds of all trucking revenue, with $125 billion in 2004. Trucks transporting specialized freight (requiring equipment such as flatbeds, tankers or refrigerated trailers) accounted for the remainder of revenue, at $61 billion. For-hire, local general freight trucking revenues grew 8.0 percent to $20 b...

Acquisition expands TNT’s European innight network

Acquisition expands TNT’s European innight network TNT has acquired ISH Noèní Expres, the leading innight distribution services provider in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The acquisition will further strengthen TNT's European innight network and its Eastern European business, which has been identified as a growth area for TNT. (1/4/2006) Furthermore, this acquisition is in line with TNT's refined strategy focusing on network distribution, including innight distribution services (delivering consignments during the night before 08h00). Active since 1991 and a partner of TNT Innight for more than ten years, the Czech-based ISH provides innight distribution services in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It services clients primarily in the automotive and machine / equipment / electronics industries. ISH delivers in excess of 1,500 shipments per day in the Czech Republic and Slovakia by operating a network of three depots and a fleet of 90 vehicles. ISH offers both domestic and inte...

La datar devient la Diact

Ce n'est pas le 1er Avril, mais le 1er Janvier : A cette date la Datar, que tout le monde connaissait, devient la Diact.... ___________________ La DATAR change de nom et devient la DIACT, la délégation interministérielle à l'aménagement et à la compétitivité des territoires 21 décembre 2005. Le ministre d'État, ministre de l'intérieur et de l'aménagement du territoire, a présenté au Conseil des ministres, le décret créant la délégation interministérielle à l'aménagement et à la compétitivité des territoires qui se substitue à la délégation à l'aménagement du territoire et à l'action régionale. Voir : ___________________