Transport : BAA accepte l'offre de Ferrovial

Transport : BAA accepte l'offre de Ferrovial

Le conseil de BAA a confirmé avoir accepté l'offre révisée de Ferrovial à un prix de 950,25 pence par action assorti d'un dividende de 15,25 pence, ce qui valorise le gestionnaire d'aéroports à 10,3 Milliards de Livres (14,9 Milliards d'Euros).
Auparavant, le consortium d'investisseurs mené par Goldman Sachs avait fait une nouvelle proposition à 955,25 pence par action et garde la possibilité de surenchérir.
voir :^Media%20Centre^News%20Releases^Results
Brunswick: Richard Jacques

Tel: +44 (0)7974 982557
Nick Claydon

Tel: +44 (0)7974 982547
The Board of BAA has received financial advice from Rothschild and UBS.  In providing this advice, Rothschild and UBS have placed reliance on the commercial assessments of the Directors.
The Directors of BAA accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement.  To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors of BAA (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained in this announcement is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.
N M Rothschild & Sons Limited (“Rothschild”), which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Services Authority, is acting for BAA and no-one else in connection with the matters referred to herein and will not be responsible to anyone other than BAA for providing the protections afforded to clients of Rothschild or for giving advice in relation to such matters.
UBS Investment Bank (“UBS”), which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Services Authority, is acting for BAA and no-one else in connection with the matters referred to herein and will not be responsible to anyone other than BAA for providing the protections afforded to clients of UBS or for giving advice in relation to such matters.
Hoare Govett, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Services Authority, is acting for BAA and no-one else in connection with the matters referred to herein and will not be responsible to anyone other than BAA for providing the protections afforded to clients of Hoare Govett or for giving advice in relation to such matters.
This document contains statements that are or may be forward-looking with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and businesses of BAA.  These forward-looking statements include risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future.  There are a number of factors which could or may cause actual results or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

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