NYK secures long-term charter contract with EDF Trading

NYK secures long-term charter contract with EDF Trading
selon : eyefortransport.com
Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK) has secured a five-year charter contract with EDF Trading – NYK’s third long-term charter contract with a European power supplier for a bulk carrier.

In June this year, NYK Bulkship (Europe) Ltd agreed a ten-year charter contract for two post-Panamax bulkers with Italian electric company, ENEL SPA.

NYK's Capesize Bulker Group and Steaming Coal Group have secured many contracts with overseas power suppliers and steel manufacturers. In order to further expand their overseas business activities, NYK established the Capesize & Panamax Bulker Team in April of this year, integrating the overseas business activities of the Capesize Bulker and Steaming Coal Groups, which had previously been conducted independently.

Due to the recent increases in petroleum prices, many electric suppliers around the world are focusing on fossil fuels such as coal, which is expected to increase demand for coal transportation.

Author: Newsdesk / eyefortransport.com

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