Allaince entre Kerry et Wincanton

"Kerry e Wincanton insieme per la logistica
Scritto dalla redazione [redazione]

27 marzo 2007 @ 15:54:47 CEST
La società cinese e quella britannica siglano un accordo per offrire soluzioni globali di supply chain dedicate ad imprese medie e grandi.

Due grandi compagnie logistiche hanno siglato un'intesa per offrire servizi alle imprese che producono e distribuiscono merci tra Asia ed Europa. L'accordo ha lo scopo di offrire soluzioni di supply chain a chi produce in Asia e distribuisce in Europa e, ovviamente, viceversa. Kerry Logistics, che ha sede a Honk Kong, seguirà le operazioni asiatiche, mentre la britannica Wincanton coprirà il territorio europeo. Il servizio è dedicato a diversi settori, dal retail ai prodotti di largo consumo, dall'elettronica al comparto automobilistico.

"La nuova joint venture consentirà alle due compagnie di soddisfare la crescente domanda di gestione esterna della catena logistica in Europa e Asia", spiega Vincent Wong, che segue l'operazione per Kerry Logistics. La società cinese offre un servizio completo di stoccaggio, trasporto e distribuzione, con una presenza capillare in 1100 località in Cina ed in altri 23 Paesi in tutto il mondo. Wincanton ha una presenza altrettanto capillare in Europa e serve diverse grandi imprese.

Kerry Logistics ha recentemente siglato un altro importante accordo con Talke Logistic Services per fornire servizi di logistica dedicata al settore chimico all'interno del territorio cinese. Talke è una società tedesca che ha sede a Colonia ed è specializzata nei trasporti di prodotti chimici. Nel 2005, il commercio estero cinese in questo settore ha superato i 133 miliardi di dollari e mostra una continua crescita. L'accordo potrebbe prevedere anche una piattaforma logistica dedicata alla chimica nella zona di Shanghai."


Communiqué officiel :
"26/03/2007 : Kerry Logistics and Wincanton join forces to deliver international supply chain solutions
Kerry Logistics and Wincanton have signed a joint venture agreement to provide international supply chain solutions. With the increasing demand for products manufactured and sourced in Asia, the joint venture will enable customers to maintain a single logistics relationship from manufacturing plants in the Far East through to stores across Europe and vice versa.
The deal will see Kerry Logistics' expertise and network in the Asian market combine with Wincanton's market leadership in European supply chain services. The end result will deliver a truly international logistics solution and greatly benefit European customers wishing to improve their access to Asia. Servicing an extensive portfolio of medium to large corporations Kerry Logistics covers diverse market segments such as retail and lifestyle consumer goods, electronics as well as mechanical engineering and automotives. This expertise mirrors Wincanton's extensive client base in Europe.
"Joining forces with Kerry Logistics gives our customers the opportunity to engage with us earlier in their supply chains. Kerry Logistics and Wincanton share a common focus, concentrating on delivering customer satisfaction and operational excellence - a synergy which we are keen to take to the international market," said Martin Taylor, Managing Director, Retail at Wincanton.
"The Synergy for cooperation with Wincanton is obvious. The new joint venture will allow both Wincanton and Kerry to meet the ever increasing demand for Supply Chain Management both in Europe and Asia," said Vincent Wong, Joint Managing Director, Kerry Logistics.
Kerry Logistics is an Asian based, China focused third party logistics company. Providing a range of logistics services including freight forwarding, express parcel delivery, contract logistics, warehousing and distribution with 4,000 staff in 120 offices, the company offers Pan China solutions to customers in more that 1,100 cities.
Wincanton Plc, headquartered in the UK, is one of Europe's leading supply chain solution providers. Wincanton employs 30,000 people in 400 locations across Europe, and provides logistics services to a large range of market sectors including retail, consumer goods, construction, petrochemicals, food service and high tech.
About Kerry Logistics:
Headquartered in Hong Kong, Kerry Logistics operates in more than 180 cities in 23 countries including Greater China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Australia, UK, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, France, USA, Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico with 5,800 staff worldwide.
Kerry Logistics' business portfolio encompasses contract logistics, international freight forwarding, warehousing, transportation, distribution, trading, merchandising and a wide variety of value added services and is now managing more than 12 million sq. ft. of warehouses, logistics centres and port facilities globally.
About Wincanton:
Wincanton is a European leader in the design and delivery of advanced supply chain solutions. Its 30,000 people operate across Europe, producing an annual turnover of over £1.8bn / €2.6bn, and offer a broad spectrum of services that enable clients to optimise their logistics requirements at local, national or regional level.
Serving some of the world's leading companies, Wincanton offers extensive experience in many market sectors, including automotive, chemicals, consumer goods, food service, high tech, industrial, energy & petroleum and retail.
Wincanton is focused on operational excellence, continually striving to provide value and product leadership through a detailed understanding of companies' requirements. The results are solutions that allow customers to focus on their core business. Warehousing solutions are tailored to requirements on a dedicated, shared-user or networked basis, while transport is provided utilising road, rail, air and intermodal systems. Further information on Wincanton's unique achievements and competencies can be found by visiting our updated website at
For media enquiries In Asia:
Emily Kwan,
Head of Corporate Communications
Kerry Logistics
Tel: +852 2410 3614 Email:
In Europe:
Duncan Gallagher, Emma Carter, Ayleen Dunbar or Dave Turner
Tel: +44 (0) 1442 261199
For more information about Kerry Logistics:
Emily Kwan
Head of Corporate Communications
Kerry Logistics
Tel: +852 2410 3614
For more information about Wincanton:
Vicky Aitchison,
Marketing Manager, UKI
Wincanton Plc
Tel: +44 (0)1249 710434

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