Prologis vend 425 m€ d'actifs en France à Foncière Europe Logistique (FEL)

Prologis vend 425 m€ d'actifs en France à Foncière Europe Logistique (FEL)


ProLogis European Properties (PEPR) annonce la signature d’un accord de vente avec Foncière Europe Logistique (FEL), filiale de la Foncière des Régions pour un portefeuille d’actifs en France pour 425 M€. Le portefeuille représente quelques 556 000 m² de bâtiments situés sur trois sites de la région parisienne (Parcs ProLogis Garonor, Sénart et Cergy Pontoise) et un à Vitrolles, à proximité de Marseille. Le prix représente un gain de 18 % par rapport à la valeur nette comptable de ces actifs, précise ProLogis European Properties qui a acquis la majorité de ce patrimoine en 2000. Le rendement brut de l’opération est de l’ordre de 7 %, indique FEL.
CB Richard Ellis, M3 Capital Partners et Morgan Stanley ont conseillé ProLogis European Properties lors de cette transaction. De Pardieu Brocas Maffei, Exa Conseil Investissement, l’Etude Cheuvreux et DTZ Consulting étaient les conseils de FEL.
A l’issue de cette transaction, PEPR détiendra en France 60 plates-formes logistiques, représentant 1 , 5 million de m², et la taille moyenne de ses actifs passera de 19 600 m² à 25 700 m².
Par ailleurs, FEL a signé un protocole d’accord avec un fonds d’investissement immobilier géré par Morgan Stanley pour l’apport d’un portefeuille de dix actifs dont huit situés en Allemagne et deux en France représentant un total de 270 000 m² pour une valeur d’actifs de 163 M€.
A l’issue de ces opérations, Foncière Europe Logistique disposera d’un patrimoine composé de 49 sites de logistiques et locaux d’activités répartis pour 91% en France et 9% en Allemagne, pour une valeur totale d’environ 1,4 Md€.



ProLogis European Properties (PEPR) agrees to sell a portfolio of Garonor assets in France for €425 million

26 July 2007 – Luxembourg – ProLogis European Properties (Euronext: PEPR), Europe’s largest owner of modern distribution facilities, today announced it has signed a purchase agreement with Foncière Europe Logistique, a subsidiary of Foncière des Régions, one of Europe’s leading property investment companies, for the sale of a portfolio of logistics/light industrial assets in France for €425 million. The net proceeds from the sale will be used to pay down debt and provide capital for reinvestment. The sale is expected to complete by 31 July 2007.

The portfolio represents some 556,000 square metres of buildings at three locations in the Paris region (ProLogis Parks Garonor, Senart and Cergy Pontoise) and one at Vitrolles, outside Marseille. The sale reflects a significant premium to current net book value for these assets. ProLogis European Properties acquired the majority of the portfolio from ProLogis in 2000, adding to the portfolio through the addition of newly developed ProLogis assets and third party acquisitions. The portfolio was marketed for sale as the average size of the buildings is not consistent with the remainder of the PEPR portfolio in France and elsewhere in Europe.

Robert Watson, chief executive officer of PEPR, commented: “We are pleased to have owned the bulk of these assets since our formative years. During that time, we have been successful in creating value through refurbishment and subsequent letting activity. The sale of these properties will bring our French platform in line with the rest of our portfolio of large, modern distribution facilities. With over 1.5 million square metres of space, France remains a key market for PEPR as we continue to see rising demand for modern logistics space, particularly in the Paris region. We believe this transaction will be accretive to earnings and create maximum value for unitholders.”

Following the close of this transaction, PEPR’s French platform will consist of 60 distribution facilities, covering 1.5 million square metres, and the average size of its French assets will increase from 19,700 square metres to 25,900 square metres.

CBRE, M3 Capital Partners and Morgan Stanley advised ProLogis European Properties.

For further information, please contact:
Investor relations
ProLogis European Properties +44 20 7518 8708
Jennifer van der Eem, VP Investor Relations
M:Communications +44 20 7153 1523 or 7153 1549
Ed Orlebar / Charlotte McMullen /

About ProLogis European Properties (PEPR)
ProLogis European Properties, or PEPR, which listed on Euronext Amsterdam on 22 September 2006, is the leading pan-European owner of high quality logistics facilities. PEPR's portfolio of real estate is located in 25 submarkets within 11 European countries. Established in 1999, PEPR is a real estate investment fund (organised as a Luxembourg closed-ended fonds commun de placement) externally managed by a subsidiary of ProLogis, the largest U.S. based real estate investment trust that operates a global network of industrial distribution properties.

As at the end of March 2007, PEPR owned 292 distribution facilities covering approximately 5.7 million square metres of leasable space. PEPR’s customers are large third party logistic service providers as well as a broad range of companies in the retail and manufacturing sectors.


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