Toll veut acquérir BalTrans

Toll hits the acquisition trail again
Toll Group has announced its intention to acquire a controlling interest in BALtrans, one of the largest Asia-based freight forwarding and logistics companies, for approximately A$365 million.


BALtrans’s international network spans all major cities in Asia, North America, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, and the company generates annual revenues of around A$690 million.

Toll managing director Paul Little said: “BALtrans is a key element of our Asian growth strategy and provides a global freight forwarding network from its strong Asian base. The inclusion of BALtrans with the Toll Group based on historicals would result in annual revenues outside Australia and New Zealand of in excess of A$1.2 billion, which is more than 20% of our revenues, excluding Virgin Blue.”

He added that the businesses of both companies are highly complementary in terms of strategy, focus, capability, customers and industry segments with strong growth-oriented cultures. The companies would be able to leverage each other’s capabilities and customers to further accelerate growth both regionally and globally within the freight forwarding market

According to Anthony Lau, executive chairman and one of the three founding shareholders of Baltrans, the founding shareholders have provided irrevocable undertakings to tender into Toll’s offer.

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