Communiqué du Ministère fédéral des transports d'Allemagne

Freight Transport and Logistics Masterplan adopted by the cabinet

Tiefensee: Preventing total gridlock and strengthening Germany as a centre for logistics

16 July 2008, No.: 198/2008
Today, the Federal Cabinet adopted the "Freight Transport and Logistics Masterplan" submitted by the Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, Wolfgang Tiefensee.

The Masterplan sets out a comprehensive approach for managing the growing levels of freight and passenger traffic in Germany. It contains 35 concrete and calculated measures.

Mr Tiefensee said: "If we don't intervene today, we will soon have total gridlock. If traffic comes to a halt, the economy will also collapse. We will secure and strengthen Germany as a centre for logistics, with its workforce of 2.6 million, by optimizing traffic and making it more efficient, by upgrading the transport arteries and hubs, and by making greater use of the environmentally friendly railways and waterways. In this way, goods will reach their destination more quickly, more reliably and more ecologically. Motorists will benefit because we will reduce congestion."

Current studies forecast a growth in tonne kilometres of around 70 percent between 2004 and 2025.

"We will take concrete countermeasures. These include modern traffic management systems, road works management, toll rates that vary according to the route driven and the time of day, and training schemes for HGV drivers", said Mr Tiefensee.

Mr Tiefensee went on to say: "I think it is especially important to shift more traffic to environmentally friendly modes of transport, such as the railways and waterways. To this end, we have increased the funding for combined transport from the current figure of 65 million euros per annum to 115 million euros."

Another objective of the Masterplan is to improve the conditions of working and training in the freight transport industry. This means: launching a training initiative and improving the working conditions for drivers by vigorously implementing social legislation in the road haulage sector.

Trade associations, environmentalist groups and the federal states were involved in the development of the Masterplan right from the beginning. Over 700 persons took part in the discussions.

Mr Tiefensee concluded by saying: "We want to preserve this network for freight transport and logistics. The stakeholders should be able to engage in a regular exchange of views on topical issues and monitor the implementation of the measures contained in the Masterplan."

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