Etude sur la taxation kilométrique en Belgique

Extraits :
"Road pricing analysis of trucks in Flanders

In 2008, TML examined for the Flemish government what the impact would be of road pricing for trucks in Flanders.

Effects on society

In total, 9 scenarios have been analysed, ranging from a budget neutral variabilisation of the road taxes towards a fully differentiated internalisation of all external costs. The effects were compared with the trend situation in 2020 and 2030.

The following effects are expected:

The price of one kilometre driven with an average truck will raise from 1.18 euro (in 2020) to something between 1.18 and 1.50 euro, depending on the chosen scenario.
Less truck traffic on the road in Flanders: 0.75% up to 3.4%
The decrease of truck km is the largest on the motorways, even in the scenarios where all ways become taxed.
Income Flemish government has raised: decrease with 112 millions euro in 2020, by abolishing the traffic tax and the Eurovignette. Income of road pricing: 200 up to 600 million euro.
The abolished truck km are converted into other transport alternatives (rail, inland shipping) but only for a small part (1% up to 5% of the ton km). The major part disappears in shorter routes (destinations) and changed company logistics (supplies).
The impacts on the speed, the passenger traffic and the emissions are very small."

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