Autologic affiche une forte progression en 2002

Le groupe britannique Autologic a annoncé un chiffre d?affaires de 669,5 millions GBP en 2002 contre 469,6 millions GBP en 2001, soit une hausse de 42,6%. Le bénéfice d?exploitation, quant à lui, a fait un saut de 50,7% par rapport à 2001, 40,7 millions GBP contre 27 millions GBP. Ces résultats exceptionnels sont dus en large mesure aux acquisitions réalisées en 2001 (Axial et CAT). Sans ces rachats, l?entreprise de distribution automobile et de logistique aurait connu une croissance de 7,5% en 2002. CAT et Axial sont à la base de la forte progression du groupe mais les nouveaux contrats qu?Autologic a signé avec Ford et Jaguar, pour une durée de cinq ans, ont également contribué aux bons résultat

Profil :

AutoLogic is the leading independent automotive logistics supplier in Europe, specialising in the preparation and distribution of finished vehicles throughout the UK and mainland Europe.

The company works with the majority of manufacturers and importers in the provision of ancillary services such as the management of the import centres, workshops and storage compounds through which all manufactured or imported cars pass as part of the preparation, modification and distribution process.

The most visible face of AutoLogic and its group of companies is the hundreds of car transporters that move vehicles around the continent?s road networks and whilst this has lead to the misconception that AutoLogic is simply a trucking company, the reality is that multi-car transportation is just a fragment of the work the company does for the automotive industry and represents a small part of the important partnership role AutoLogic plays for its customers.

This partnership places AutoLogic at the heart of the automotive industry and puts it in an ideal position to understand the current situation and the impact of future scenarios on what is a vibrant and constantly changing market.

The Group has undergone a deliberate policy of expansion, both organically and through acquisition, to ensure it has the critical mass, expertise, industry knowledge and contacts to steer itself, and its customers through current and anticipated market changes.

AutoLogic has operations in the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Holland, and with a 40% holding in Compagnie d'Affretement et de Transport (CAT), the Group network encompasses all other parts of Europe and South America.

Group companies within the AutoLogic family offer a full range of vehicle preparation, distribution and transaction management services to the automotive industry.

AutoLogic Group companies are therefore able to offer a complete ?menu of services? to Europe?s manufacturers, dealers, leasing and fleet companies to cater for anything from the technical process and transport of complete fleets, to the specialised preparation and delivery of individual vehicles direct to office or home.

The many vital parts of the ?route to market? that are hidden from view include:
Secure storage
Pre Delivery Inspection
Showroom-ready valeting
IT (track and trace)
Bespoke event logistics
Bulk transportation
Individual transportation
Specialised transportation
Distribution Centre management
Import / Export Centre management
Staffing and recruitment


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