DHL Global Mail and Yamato form mail JV

DHL Global Mail and Yamato form mail JV
DHL Global Mail has reached an agreement with Yamato Holdings to form a mail business joint venture in Japan. The first of its kind in the country, the new JV will offer a full range of direct marketing services.

DHL Global Mail will hold 49% and Yamato Holdings 51% of the shares. DHL’s parent company, Deutsche Post World Net (DPWN), is the first foreign service provider to make a successful entry into the Japanese mail market.
DPWN and Yamato have been co-operating since 2004 in the field of international mail delivery. Yamato is one of the leading private service providers for letter and parcel delivery in Japan, with a broad shareholder structure and revenues of almost €8 billion.
The Japanese mail market provides for volumes of around €13 billion. The ‘non-correspondence’ market (around €4 billion) and direct marketing segment (€7 billion) are open to competition.
With DPWN’s know-how in the worldwide mail business and Yamato's many years of experience in the Japanese market, the new joint venture will offer national and international customers in Japan direct marketing solutions from a single source.
The services range from planning a direct marketing campaign including address management to the production of direct marketing mailings and the delivery in Japan, all the way to response evaluation.
According to the chairman of DPWN’s divisional board – mail international, Klaus Knappik, the new joint venture solidifies the company’s position as the leading worldwide complete service provider in international mail logistics, and is therefore another important step in the implementation of our international mail strategy.
DPWN is already present in the world's largest mail markets, e.g. the USA, the Netherlands, the UK, France, and Spain. The company also has direct connections to more than 200 countries in the cross-border mail business.

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