Nouvelle alliance : Azkar+Bartolini+Bibby+Mgf+Rhenus = The Logistics World Alliance (LWA)

About the LWA members:

  • Azkar (Iberia): a logistics company with a workforce of 5,000, storage space totalling 640,000 m2 of storage space and a fleet of 2,200 trucks. In 2005, Azkar posted a turnover of €330 million. During the last five years, Azkar invested just under €170 million into its Spanish and Portuguese sites.
  • Bartolini (Italy): an integrated logistics services provider with a workforce of 10,000 and more than 500,000 m2 of storage space. Bartolini delivers around 80 million parcels a year, and reported annual sales of €490 million.
  • Bibby Distribution (UK): a wholly owned subsidiary of the privately owned Bibby Line Group. Bibby is the UK’s largest family-owned logistics company, accounting for £123 million of the group’s total £254 million in revenues for 2004. It’s acquisition of Hammond Logistics Group in 2005 brought turnover to £160 million.
  • MGF Logistique (France): a logistics company belonging to the G7 group, which employs 1,440 people and has annual sales of €108 million. MGF has around 670,000 m2 of space at 47 sites in the Paris metropolitan area and in the north, southwest and southeast of France.
  • Rhenus group (Germany): a logistics company with more than 7,400 employees and 100 sites throughout Europe. With divisions such as contract logistics, port logistics and intermodal, the company manages complex supply chains and provides innovative value-added services, and achieves sales of €1.3 billion.
Co-operation partners of the alliance include the Seaways Group (India), the Shibusawa Warehouse Co (Japan), the UVK Co (Ukraine), Avalon Group (Russia), Elesco (Europe), and HECC Alliance.

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