Dachser renforce son réseau aux USA et en Inde

Dachser renforce son réseau aux USA et en Inde

Communiqué de Dachser

"DACHSER strengthens trade lanes between North America and India

Two additional DACHSER USA locations through the takeover of AFT

Atlanta/Kempten, April, 10, 2007. Dachser is substantially increasing its network in India and North America. Already in February the global logistics service provider had founded a 50:50 joint-venture with the market leader of India “AFL”. The second landmark followed on March 1st, 2007: Dachser took over AFT International, the representative of AFL in North America. AFT is a specialist on the India - USA – India trade lanes, and the market leader in this area of the world.

In the USA AFT operates two branches, New York and San Francisco. With the joint venture AFL DACHSER Pvt, Ltd., the company operates 30 locations in India. From the 1st of April, AFT will operate under the name "Dachser Transport of America, Inc.".

„We will offer our customers streamlined logistics solutions for their trade between the USA and India, as well as within India itself“, says Frank Guenzerodt, President and CEO of Dachser in the USA. „With our expanded network, we support our clients to reach their markets in India faster and more reliably and help to optimize their procurement in India. “ Since DACHSER completed its Indian joint-venture at the beginning of the year with AFL, a merger between the German logistics provider and AFT USA was just the logical second step.

AFT services
AFT has a closely knitted network which reaches from North America to India. AFT offers comprehensive and fully integrated transportation services, including air and ocean transports, import and export, logistics and warehouse solutions as well as Customshouse Brokerage services. The logistics provider is an expert on all economy and trade matters relating to dealings between India and the USA.

Dachser has been presented in the United States since 1970 and operates in excess of eleven USA gateway locations. Through its global network of offices, DACHSER offers tailor made logistics and international transportation solutions between the US market and all other parts of the world.

The family owned, international logistics service provider DACHSER GmbH generated sales revenues of over USD 4.0 billion in 2006, employed in excess of 15,000 employees and moved 33 million shipments with a total weight of 20.8 million metric tons, supported by its 256 locations worldwide.

DACHSER Transport of America, Inc.
Frank Guenzerodt Tel.: +1 (770) 991 0031
President & CEO Fax: +1 (770) 991 0231
1691 Phoenix Blvd., Suite 140 E-Mail: frank.guenzerodt@dachserusa.com
Atlanta, GA 30349 Internet: www.dachser.us

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