Conseil Transport suite : le compte rendu

Compte rendu diffusé ce jour vers 15:00

Voici le texte diffusé. 

"Lorry sizes
The Council reached political agreement on new rules for the maximum weights and dimensions of lorries, buses and coaches. The amended rules are intended to improve vehicle aerodynamics, fuel efficiency and road safety. See press release.
Railway interoperability and safety, and the European Railway Agency

The Council also reached political agreement on the draft directives on the interoperability and safety of European railways and the draft regulation on the European Railway Agency. Together, these three legislative acts make up the technical pillar of the fourth railway package. See press release.
Maritime transport policy

The Council adopted conclusions on the mid-term review of the EU’s maritime transport policy to 2018 and outlook to 2020. The conclusions incorporate the Athens Declaration endorsed by maritime transport ministers at their informal meeting on 7 May.
In addition, ministers took note of progress reports on a proposed update of the EU rules on air passenger rights and a draft regulation on market access and financial transparency of ports.
Mr Michalis Chrysochoidis, the Greek Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, said:
"From the very beginning we set a target for our presidency, which has involved tireless efforts to promote efficient and sustainable transport. We have worked hard to achieve this, and sought to increase economies of scale for transport undertakings, especially railways, across the EU, reduce administrative costs, speed up procedures, avoid discrimination and enhance competition as well as reduce energy consumption and environmental degradation. We have placed the needs of citizens and societies at the heart of our work on transport policy. We will continue to focus our efforts on these tasks up the end of our presidency."

A comprehensive press release will become available here.

Watch the press conference after the Transport Council."

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