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New Book: Introduction à la dynamique des systèmes (Introduction to System Dynamics)(September 27, 2017)
Introduction à la dynamique des systèmes (Introduction to System Dynamics) by Patrice Salini is both theoretical and practical. Patrice, a system dynamicist and former official of the French Transport Ministry and university professor used his own real models as examples in the book. Patrice states that, ”After general and theoretical consideration about the paths leading to systems analysis, the book tries to give the keys to understand the logical process of modélisation, and the modalities of implementation of System Dynamics modeling. Then, the book explains how, concretely a model is built.” According to information on the Amazon website, “This book makes it possible to better understand the logic and methods of implementation.” The book, which is written in French, is available on the Amazon website. Congratulations Patrice!

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