DFDS Transport acquires Transitas

DFDS Transport acquires Transitas
Source : http://www.eyefortransport.com/

DFDS Transport has signed an agreement with Alexander Schreibeisen GmbH & Co and Jochem Wagner in terms of which DFDS Transport will acquire 100% of the shares in Transitas Internationale Spediteure.


Transitas has an estimated annual turnover of €27 million and EBITA of €0.5 million in 2005. The company has business locations in Kehl and Strasbourg, and provides domestic & international distribution and contract logistics services.

The takeover of Transitas is expected to take place effective January 2006, and DSV expects to consolidate the acquisition from the effective date in the DSV accounts. Closing of the transaction is subject to approval by the relevant authorities.

DFDS Transport intends to integrate Transitas with its Road division. The acquisition will strengthen DFDS Transport’s German road and logistics activities. After the acquisition, DFDS Transport’s Road division will have a turnover of approximately €370 million in Germany.

The parties have agreed not to disclose the acquisition price

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