TNT vient d'annoncer son recentrage, et la vente de la logistique.

TNT vient d'annoncer son recentrage, et la vente de la logistique.
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TNT Announces Initiatives to Sharpen Strategic Focus

06 December 2005 - Tightens focus on higher growth, higher margin network-based businesses and adjusts its capital structure

Key announcements include:

Refined strategy focuses on networks
Exit logistics business
Initiate € 1 billion share repurchase
Amsterdam, TNT N.V. announces today a broad range of initiatives that will sharpen its strategic focus on its core competency of providing delivery services by managing transport networks like Mail, Express and Freight Management. Key resulting initiatives include exiting its logistics business and a € 1 billion share repurchase which commences today.

Peter Bakker, CEO of TNT, stated: “Over the past several months we have conducted a thorough strategic review of our businesses, focusing on defining our strengths and identifying the best opportunities for TNT to serve our customers, grow our business and create value for our investors. As a result, we have developed a set of clear initiatives that we believe will deliver value to shareholders – while not losing sight of other stakeholders.”

“It is clear that we are successful at designing, implementing and running delivery network businesses. This is our core competency, lies at the heart of our business going forward, and offers us a sustainable competitive advantage and very compelling growth opportunities. We have very strong network platforms to build on – particularly our fast growing Express and European Mail Networks (EMN) businesses and our profitable Mail Netherlands business. To underline this, we revise our revenue growth expectations for our Express division upwards to the 10 – 15% range over the medium term versus “high single digit” previously. Additionally, we believe total revenues of our EMN businesses will amount to approximately
€ 1.7 billion, at an operating margin of 10%, in 2012.”

“TNT will continue to be customer driven with an emphasis on innovation as the leading integrator in both Europe and Asia. Today’s announcements of our acquisitions in Spain and China further expand our capabilities”, continued Bakker.

“While our logistics business is a strong operation with a talented group of employees and good customer relationships, it will no longer fit with our strategic focus going forward. Given industry consolidation, we announce today our intention to sell our logistics business. The focus on networks and the exit of Logistics will allow simplification of our organisation. In the next few months a plan aimed at further cost reductions will be put together.”

“We have taken the initiative to optimise our capital structure and we intend to return capital to our shareholders, as we are focused on creating value for our shareholders both in the short and in the long term.”

Focus on networks

In reviewing our existing strategy we have come to the conclusion that high-quality networks have proven to be intrinsically more attractive than customer dedicated supply chains. In networks like Mail, Express, and Freight Management, TNT can drive increased volumes across infrastructures resulting in continually improving efficiency, operating leverage, and higher return on capital.

Vue de la presse en Belgique :

Le groupe néerlandais de courrier express et de logistique TNT a annoncé mardi la mise en vente de son activité logistique. Cette vente n'aura cependant aucune conséquence directe en Belgique, a confirmé la division belge de la société. Les activités de TNT en Belgique dépendent en effet de la division "Express" de TNT et ne sont donc pas concernées par cette vente. La société évoque par contre le développement de ses réseaux de destinations routiers et aériens. Le groupe néerlandais est actuellement composé de trois divisions: TNT Mail, TNT Express et TNT Logistics. Les activités développées en Belgique dépendent entièrement de la division TNT Express. La vente de la section TNT Logistics n'aura donc aucune conséquence économique sur les activités belges, pas plus à Bruxelles qu'à Liège. "Nous ne sommes effectivement pas concernés par cette mise en vente. Par contre, il y aura des modifications de stratégie dans la société puisque TNT souhaite mettre l'accent sur ses réseaux, avec le développement de nouvelles destinations pour ses réseaux routiers et aériens", a expliqué Mme Simon, responsable des relations publiques du siège de Bierset de TNT. A Liège, cette modification de stratégie concerne TNT Airways et le centre de tri, soit la partie la plus importante du réseau aérien en Belgique, a-t-elle précisé. TNT Logistics est peu présent en Belgique et ne compte que quelques petites activités, comme de petits dépôts à Grâce-Hollogne et à Tongres.

et en Italie

TNT Global Express abbandona l'attività logistica
E riacquista le proprie azioni. Il gruppo olandese, azienda leader in Italia nel trasporto espresso globale nazionale e internazionale, annuncia la messa in vendita dell'attività logistica per concentrarsi sui servizi di spedizione. Risultato: la Borsa di amsterdam ha visto balzare il titolo di piu' del 4%.

Secondo le previsioni del 2005 il fatturato di TNT, che è il quarto operatore mondiale dis ervizi dopo gli americani UPS e Fedex e il tedesco DHL, si attesterebbe a 14 miliardi di euro.
Il gruppo olandese dà lavoro a 162 mila persone.

Parallelamente TNT ha rivisto al rialzo del 10-15% le previsioni di cerscita nel campo delle spedizioni. Il gruppo olandese conserverà soo una piccola parte di logistica necessaria all'indipendenza dei propri servizi soprattutto per i pezzi di ricambi nell'alta tecnologia. la vendita del ramo logistico dovrebbe concludersi nel secondo semestre del prossimo anno.

TNT Global Express abbandona l'attività logistica
E riacquista le proprie azioni. Il gruppo olandese, azienda leader in Italia nel trasporto espresso globale nazionale e internazionale, annuncia la messa in vendita dell'attività logistica per concentrarsi sui servizi di spedizione. Risultato: la Borsa di amsterdam ha visto balzare il titolo di piu' del 4%.

Secondo le previsioni del 2005 il fatturato di TNT, che è il quarto operatore mondiale dis ervizi dopo gli americani UPS e Fedex e il tedesco DHL, si attesterebbe a 14 miliardi di euro.
Il gruppo olandese dà lavoro a 162 mila persone.

Parallelamente TNT ha rivisto al rialzo del 10-15% le previsioni di cerscita nel campo delle spedizioni. Il gruppo olandese conserverà soo una piccola parte di logistica necessaria all'indipendenza dei propri servizi soprattutto per i pezzi di ricambi nell'alta tecnologia. la vendita del ramo logistico dovrebbe concludersi nel secondo semestre del prossimo anno.

Mais ils continuent leur développement dans l'express :

06 December 2005 - TNT N.V. Global provider of mail, express and logistics services today announced that its Express Division will acquire TG+, a leading Spanish domestic distribution company, subject to regulatory approval.

The proposed acquisition of TG+ will expand and strengthen TNT’s domestic express business and fuel its international express business in Spain, a strategic market in Europe with high growth potential. At the same time, TG+ will further drive growth of TNT's leading position in the premium express delivery market in Europe by providing better coverage in this key market.

TG+ is the third industrial parcel operator in Spain with revenues of around €120 million split between its own operations (€ 100 million) and dedicated agents. In total this network currently employs 2,600 people (962 TG+ directly employed) and operates 57 depots (22 TG+ directly owned) throughout the country which add up to 135,000 square meters, with more than 900 pick-up and deliveries drivers, and a fleet of 140 line haul trucks connecting the depot network. TG+’s main depots are equipped with state of the art automated sorting systems.

TG+ is the result of the merger between Transcamer and Gomez, which took place in 2003. TG+ is owned by 3i, a listed private equity and venture capital company, and various minority shareholders, since 2001.

Peter Bakker, CEO of TNT commented: “We are delighted about this opportunity as TG+ is a professional leader in domestic express distribution which will complement our activities in Spain extremely well. It will provide us with a solid foundation from which to accelerate the growth of our domestic and international businesses”.

“Their extensive and solid network infrastructure will allow us to offer our domestic and international customers an even broader portfolio of services than before. The strategic fit for both TG+ and TNT Express in joining forces is truly compelling”, added Gonzalo Chico, Managing Director of TNT Express Spain.

Francisco Castro, Executive Vice President of TG+, added: “This is extremely exciting for us. TNT has the most extensive air and road delivery network infrastructure in Europe, as well as an unmatched global coverage, and we will be able to take full advantage of this for our current domestic customers. We are extremely pleased about the possibility of joining a company with such a focus in quality and service excellence and committed in delivering more to its customers, employees, shareholders and society.”

TG+ has a strong presence in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, fashion and electronic sectors, and reinforces TNT’s firm foothold in key sectors such as automotive, biomedical, high tech and industrial.

Upon completion, TNT Express in Spain will count more than 4,000 professionals and 70 depots to serve its 25,000 existing customers. This transaction will consolidate TNT’s second position in the market for international services and will move TNT up to the third position in the domestic industrial parcel market. The transaction is subject to regulatory approval and is expected to be closed early 2006.

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