Salvesen et APL Logistics annoncent un joint venture

Salvesen et APL Logistics annoncent un joint venture

Communiqué de Salvesen

Oakland, CA. London, UK. 2 December 2005: Leading global supply-chain management service provider, APL Logistics (APLL), and European logistics specialist, Christian Salvesen, today announced a new joint venture, which will combine the companies respective strengths in an integrated end-to-end offering for selected customers.

APL Logistics is a fully-owned subsidiary of Singapore-listed global container transportation company, NOL Group. Christian Salvesen is a European logistics company listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Utilising APL Logistics' worldwide capabilities and Christian Salvesen's comprehensive European network, the 50-50 joint venture will create a new international provider with unique supply chain management capabilities and a strong presence in land-based logistics in key locations.

Christian Salvesen CEO, Stewart Oades, said: "This joint venture has great synergy. Our own land-based expertise, coupled with the intercontinental reach of APL Logistics, provides customers with new solutions to their increasingly complex supply chain needs."

NOL Group's Europe Region President, Dave Appleton, said: "Many of our customers are telling us there is a need for a truly integrated demand and fulfilment service. Through this joint venture, we have brought our respective companies' core skills, capabilities, assets and technologies together, enabling us to broaden the choices available to customers and this will translate to increased flexibility and efficiency."

Mr Appleton and Mr Oades said that the joint venture company, to be headquartered in the UK, was the realisation of a strategic objective of both partners to develop an international service employing existing capabilities to meet the growing and changing needs of the market.

They said that the joint venture partnership, whose name and structure will be announced in the coming weeks, is a direct response to the globalisation of supply chains. It will not affect the existing relationships that APLL and Christian Salvesen have with their current customers.

"This is about meeting the burgeoning customer demand for a managed end-to-end solution on an international scale - we believe this joint venture offering will have particular appeal to certain customers. The newly-formed venture will target specific customers in the retail, automotive, consumer electronics and hi-tech markets throughout Europe, Mr Appleton and Mr Oades said.

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